A relocation of a different sort

A relocation of a different sort

You have probably moved at least once in your life.  Most people will at least leave their childhood home for a different home in their hometown.  Others will take grand adventures, such as international relocation, as a way to move about and see the world.

Whether it is international relocation or another type of move, you have probably experienced the stress that a move can bring about.  When you decide to pack up and go on to another home, apartment or city, it is usually due to work or family.  It is also a decision you make.

There is a move happening for some desert tortoises that is not based on turtle requests.  These 166 adult and juvenile tortoises are being collected and moved to a nine-acre facility where they will be held before being released in the wild on the other side of the fence.  The tortoises tend to head right back to the home they had before they were released.  This is actually what is happening right now.

The tortoises were initially moved because of worries about their scarcity.  Homes built in their territory has caused many of the tortoises to die before they can reach the hundred or more years they have managed to live to in the past.

The hope is that the animals can go back home and that humans moving into their territory will understand the delicate environment and help protect the animals that live around them. If you move to the desert, you may need to be careful of treating the tortoises with respect.

-myBMS Moving & Storage