Administrative Professional’s Day for accolades to your employees

Administrative Professional’s Day for accolades to your employees

National Administrative Professional’s Day was formerly known as National Secretary’s Day.  The celebration has been around since 1952, when Harry F Klemfuss created it.

Mr Klemfuss recognized the importance of secretaries in business, but it was more a way to entice more women to become secretaries.  With his skills in public relations, Mr Klemfuss helped promote the important holiday and that of the secretary position in companies.  Today there are many positions in a company where certain secretarial duties are the same as in the 50s, but many jobs have taken on a more administrative role.  Therefore, the holiday has undergone a name change to recognize these many roles that a person may need to fill.  Another difference to the position of ‘secretary’ is that many men have also become part of the profession. It is no longer a position just for women.

This year, if you have undergone business relocation, you might need to recognize your administrative professional for more than their regular duties.  A good way to show your recognition is to offer flowers or another similar type of gift.  If you had an office move whereby your administrative professional was an integral part, you might need something more than flowers.  An office move is definitely not easy to undertake considering all of the planning, management and duties that could be involved.  A good administrative professional will make certain that your job is made easier, especially with business relocation.

Lance Grooms