Book Review: How to Survive a Move

Have you been wondering how so many people have lived through relocation with their sanity intact? Well, now all you need to do is pick up a copy of “How to Survive a Move: by Hundreds of Happy People Who Did and Some Things to Avoid, From a Few Who Haven’t Unpacked Yet” and be on your way.

No, we’re not kidding – that really is the title of a book written by Jamie Allen and Kazz Regelman – and apparently hundreds of other people! Although we don’t think all 40 million Americans who will move this year will actually read the book, it’s worth a mention.

It seems that there is a self-help book out there for just about everything, but we only recently came across books on the topic of moving and relocation. Moving is an overwhelming task that can quickly get expensive and stressful, but why let it?

The book is a compilation of hundreds of different moving tips and real-life stories that can help you through that really tough time of moving from one house to another which can really break a person! The authors talked to hundreds upon hundreds of people across the United States and Canada to bring the stories to you. That’s one of the charming aspects of this book – instead of just getting the opinions of an expert or two, you get to hear what a lot of people have to say and make your own decisions based on that.

Lance Grooms