Bel relocates research and development

Bel relocates research and development

Bel Fuse has announced that its European R&D headquarters is going to be moved.  The business relocation will place the new research and development center in Maidstone, England.

Bel’s CEO stated that the business is growing quickly in module products and away from commodity products.  This has meant that the company needs to conduct an office move for its research and development center.  The center has already obtained the top engineering talent possible in the UK.  The location will also help find employees that can help the center work better.

It will mean a change for some of the employees, such as relocation overseas from their US or European home, but this could be a good thing with the international customer base growing.  Many employees will be able to see their company grow, which helps with job security.  The number of jobs being relocated will be determined by the important personnel already at the facility.  The top engineers who are a part of the business will be relocated.

Bel will also provide jobs for those in the UK if some of the employees decide against relocation.  It may not serve the US too much in terms of economic stability, but the products and the profit will certainly be a help to the US market in the long term.  The CEO feels that it is a necessary move for the company, considering the obligations it has around the world and the technology it needs to continue to grow.

Jon Huser