For those in need of employment there are some top cities that will make it worthwhile for you to relocate. Some are major metropolitan areas, while others are not. The places listed all have low unemployment, but they may not have a large diversity of jobs and may not be hiring in some cases. Certain places that have been on lists before have a high cost of living, which is why there are some additional facts you might want to look at if you decide to move to any of the cities mentioned.
Washington DC, Arlington and Alexandria all made the list of low unemployment and high costs. As we know, these cities definitely have a high cost of living and plenty of entertainment. Jobs tend to surround political industries rather than factory jobs or retail, but there are often those as well. The high population also shows that the area is one that many flock to. Quality of life and the school systems tend to be better in these areas for those interested in relocation.
Austin, San Marcos, and Round Rock of Texas are three areas close to each other that have a low unemployment rate. The combination of warm weather, jobs, and cultural diversity helps bring interested parties to these three areas.
Ithaca has made the list for the best place to live in New York State. The city has low unemployment and a better cost of living than most areas. The universities and biotech center often bring the population to Ithaca, whether it is for business relocation or a college move.
Jon Huser