Whenever you have a business already established, you have a handle on your target audience, business practices and what is expected; however, when you are about to undergo business relocation to a new region as a way to grow your brand it might mean things change. What you understand about your target audience in the region you live and work may not translate to the place the business relocation will take you to.
There are regional specifics when it comes to business. It is one of the main reasons why we have websites for each region we expand into. We try to gain our target audience for that local area. You have to do the same with an office move. There are some helpful tips provided below for making your office move the right one when going into a new region.
You definitely want to use the media to announce the move. Any media available to you should be used so that you can make certain that your target audience is aware of your brand. Check any legal requirements that might affect you in a new area. Even if you stay in the US, each state can have different laws that might affect your business. After all, in one state you do not have to have a contractor’s license and in another you do. Things like this will determine what is legally right based on the new location. If you are in the same state you may not have to worry as much about the legal bases, but more about the target audience of the new city or town.
Lance Grooms