Anyone who is left handed will certainly be a fan of Left Hander’s Day! Left Hander’s Day takes place on August 13th every year. Many people who are left handed, who are also sometimes referred to as Southpaws, tend to come in for more than their fair share of ribbing all year round, but while it is sometimes not easy being a leftie, those who are would not have it any other way. Lefties are lefties and proud of it!
The world often seems as though it was designed for people who are right handed and it does not take much observation to realize how true this statement is! Have you ever come across a left-handed desk in a school? Of course not, because they do not exist! Another example of right handed bias is that a lot of items that are designed for people who are left handed tend to cost quite a bit more than the standard items designed for right handed folk! Scissors are designed for people who are right handed, while even novelty coffee mugs are manufactured so that the text or picture is positioned for a right hand pick up. Even the computer mouse that you are making use of in order to read this article is designed for the right-handed!
If anyone deserves to have a day dedicated to him or her it is the left-handed, and August 13th is that day. Take a day to appreciate your left-handed friends and family!