Christian Bale visits CO victims

Christian Bale visits CO victims

Christian Bale was scheduled to be in Denver Colorado for the premiere of his movie.  News was released that the star of Batman was in Colorado visiting the victims of the shooting.  New information has been released on those who suffered injuries.  Most of the 58 who were injured on Friday have been released.  About 20 are still hospitalized and a few are still in a serious condition.  One man is in a coma due to a gunshot to the head.  His wife was not injured, but she did just deliver their baby.

Photos of Christian Bale were uploaded on Facebook by one of the victims who received a visit.  Staff at the hospital also had photos taken with Bale, which they uploaded.  An online campaign requested that Bale visit the survivors.  While in town, Bale also went to a memorial for the victims, which was near the theater.

Bale is not the only celebrity to visit the victims.  Several members of the Denver Broncos also visited the hospital.  President Barack Obama visited some of the survivors too.  It will be a long time before many forget what happened, especially those that live in Colorado.  This is not the first time a mass shooting has occurred.  These events tend to dredge up remembrances of Columbine.  It is nice that many celebrities have taken the time to visit the survivors.

In terms of the suspect, the judge has determined that no cameras are to be in the courtroom.

Lance Grooms