The Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre is set to relocate to Port Stephens. The push for the move has become a minor project rather than the major project it was classified as at first. Those who work at the fisheries location will need to move with the offices in order to continue conducting business. The reason the project may be on hold for relocation is due to the cost of the move. There was no clear idea of the cost it would take to move the centre and all of the offices until just recently. This is the reason the project has been downgraded for the time being.
It was estimated that about $2.9 million would be needed for the full relocation of the fisheries research centre. For the time being employees will continue to work at the old centre, but they may also need to be relocated closer to the new fisheries centre to spare themselves increased gas usage once the approval has been made.
At the moment the project is looking for investors and support to see if there is really any hope for a better building. It does seem that the project may go ahead with a few individual projects at the beginning, though this may end up costing more in the end. Those in charge of the project are trying to find a way to make it more appealing so that the relocation can move ahead with a new aquarium, laboratory and offices in the Port Stephens area.
Jon Huser