Egyptian military moves causing concern

Egyptian military moves causing concern

The US is a little concerned about the latest developments in Egypt.  The military move by the new president is a cause for concern for the US, since the military moves could create some problems with democracy.  Egypt transitioned to a democracy, which has made it stronger and more stable according to the US; however, the recent developments could serve to unsettle the improvements of the past.  One spokesperson for the US stated it wants the SCAF military to allow civilian elected authorities to have power, and that universal rights should be given to Egyptian people.

The US probably will not interfere with a move of its own personnel from the military, but it will watch what occurs in the near future.  By examining the situation as it changes there is the potential to make certain that instability does not re-occur, as it potentially could.  The new president has not been solidified in terms of the runoff election.  The results are not expected to be announced until the end of the week; however, Mohamed Morsi is claiming victory over Ahmed Shafiq.  Morsi was clearly the leader when Sunday’s votes were being tallied, but things could change since not all votes are in yet.  The US will have to remain steady and resist moving until the final results are in, and any help given would be only if requested.

Rick Wozniak