General Health Concerns When Moving Overseas

General Health Concerns When Moving Overseas

When planning to relocate overseas, there are some general health concerns that might come up.  So, in order to help you be as prepared as possible, we’ve gathered them all right here.  Check them out – before you move!


Before you actually relocate, it is a good idea to be aware of any short-term health issues or endemics that might be in the areas to which you might be moving.  Check with your local government for any advisories you need to be concerned about.

Before You Move

You probably already know that an ounce of prevention can go a long way. This is especially true when you are moving internationally.  So, before you even leave home, everyone in your household should have a thorough check-up and get any required vaccinations.  Oh, and don’t forget to also see the dentist!

Special Needs

If you or any member of your family has any special health needs, you really need to prepare before you relocate.  Can the condition be adequately handled in your new country? If there are severe allergies, it is a good idea to obtain a medical bracelet in the language of the country to which you will be moving.

Other Relatives

Moving can and will affect many people in your family – not just those going with you to the new country.  Perhaps you have elderly relatives you help care for.  If they aren’t going to move with you, who will help care for them when you leave?  Arrangements need to be made ahead of time.

Lance Grooms