Good tips for office moving

Good tips for office moving

In order to make the completion of your office move as smooth as possible with as little stress as there can be, here are a few helpful tips to follow.

One good tip is to go about undertaking a space plan of what will be your brand new office, check everything through with your members of staff, and then make certain that it is available on the day for the moving company whose services you have engaged.  The new office should be color coded by both staff and area, and all boxes and crates should be labeled accordingly.  On the day of the move, a series of A4 color sheets should be printed out and then stuck to the appropriate places in your new office.

The next step is to check with your photocopier, printer and/or IT companies that moving their equipment does not require any kind of special requirements.  On occasion you may have to go about removing cartridges or draining fluids.  Large equipment and furniture should be measured and a dry run for the move attempted through the lifts, stairs and doors at either end.  Sometimes you may be forced to dismantled furniture or even take off doors in order to make sure that a certain item can be moved.

Other good tips are to make certain that you have already reserved parking with your local authority and have hired plastic crates for the relocation.

Gene Salaz