Hilo cruise ship relocation

Hilo cruise ship relocation

The relocation of the Hilo cruise ship security section is not as important as the project requiring the move.  The Department of Transportation is moving the screening area from Pier 1 Shed.  In order to begin the $53,000 project the move will begin on February 22nd 2012.  The project is supposed to be complete in March.  Improvements to the security center are going to be made to ensure that Hilo and the cruise ship terminal have the highest security.  They will try to disrupt passengers and harbor operations as little as possible.

The shed they will be re-roofing and remodeling was constructed back in 1927.  It is certainly time for the building to be reworked.  Anyone who is taking a cruise ship to Hilo, Hawaii for a vacation or as a means to check Hawaii out as a possible new home will need to be aware that facilities will be changed and there will be construction in the area.

Hawaii is a beautiful state to relocate to.  Hawaii offers plenty of rainforest, water and culture to make it a great place to retire.  Despite the high cost of living on the islands and high traveling costs, Hawaii may be the perfect relocation location.  The tourist industry offers plenty of jobs throughout the year that may make it a great place to find an island job.  It is even possible that some workers may be able to relocate to Hilo for a short time to work on the construction for Pier 1 Shed.

Jon Huser