The HR department can sometimes be considered a platform between management and staff. HR specialists need to be sensitive to the needs of the employees as well as those of the business. When there are performance, disciplinary, and attitude issues, the HR department often steps in. The same is true when new employees are being hired – HR will deal with the employee relocation packages.
In reality, every manager is an HR manager as they do deal with employees on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter whether the department is finance, marketing, or sales. But, these managers typically tend to avoid the issue of employee needs and sensitivities, as they do not often mix well with business dealings. These managers must encourage productivity. HR staff sees the underlying issues that affect an employee’s performance moving forward.
It can be said that the problem of employee needs is a two-dimensional issue – one dimension being the employee’s internal aspects and the other dimension being external aspects. Internally, the employee may be dealing with a relocation, personal issues, and so on. Externally, staff may be dealing with managers, procedures, and policies. Unfortunately, many managers see employees as machines that must always perform. That’s where the HR department comes in.
The HR department will see the employee as a human being, rather than a machine intended to perform. Remember, taking care of the staff means taking care of the company. Happy employees perform better and top performance will always help the bottom line.
Often, the HR department will conduct seminars and additional training meetings for managers who have to deal with employees. The focus of these additional training sessions is human relational competency. The HR department helps managers across the board recognize certain issues that might affect an employee’s performance such as:
- Personal crisis
- Unfocused, unclear goals
- Lack of aspirations and motivation
- Poor organizational values
- Poor personal values
- Family issues
- Health issues
- Psychiatric issues
- Addiction
- Stress
- Relocation issues
There are various methods of dealing with such employee issues. HR specialists are often far better equipped than departmental managers, to do so. As with any other department, HR specialists are constantly trained in their specialty as well. HR experts suggest some of the following approaches to effective employee management:
- HR specialists should always map out their own aspirations
- Dignity, empathy, and sympathy must be practiced
- Honed communication skills
- Developed counseling skills
- Willingness to listen and pay attention
The HR department is there to organize the workplace and deal with human-interest issues. There is a dire need for a business to have a well-trained, well-prepared HR department to deal with all sorts of issues including but certainly not limited to career counseling, relocation assistance, and other practical issues.
Lance Grooms