Internships Help Bridge the Unemployment Gap

Internships Help Bridge the Unemployment Gap

There’s no doubt about it; today’s job market is a tough one, no matter what industry you’re in.  So, in a tough market, many people choose internships as a good way to increase employability and enhance career skills. Some people even relocate for the chance to have an internship – paid or not.

Recent graduates hoping to move into the job market quickly and easily may have a rude awakening when they learn that a rich academic career isn’t always enough. Working experience in both the public and private sector is crucial. This is why many people choose to do an internship when they get out of school.

Today, throughout Europe and the United States, more saliency is given to internships than ever before. In fact some people that have been in the job market are trying to get internships at new companies. This is because unemployment rates are so very high.

Internships allow those who just can’t get a full paying job the opportunity to hone their skills and show companies what they’re made of. One new form of internship is the internet-based internship, which doesn’t require anyone to relocate or move in order to work. This new breed of internship is really beginning to gain traction.

So, if you have been having trouble finding a job, have you considered an internship?  Would you consider one just to stay in the game?

Jon Huser