July Was Watermelon Month

Move over other fruits and vegetables, watermelons were on the pedestal in July.  Although it is nearly the end of July, Watermelons have had a good time taking the reins as the Official Fruit of this month.

According to the State of North Carolina Webpage for the Office of the Governor, 201.6 million pounds of Watermelons are grown on about 7,200 acres.  The 2010 Agricultural Statistics from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services states that watermelons generate $24 million in farm income…now that’s a lot of dough, or seeds, or… you know what I mean.

Some say, “So what about watermelons,” others create websites about just that!  Did you know that there is actually a National Watermelon Queen?  Her name is Whitney Conner and she hails as the juicy-fruit queen of 2011.  How does one become the queen you may ask, well there’s a 5-person panel consisting of a Plant Physiologist, Chef and Culinary Director, registered Dietician, a Watermelon Grower and shipper,  as well as the 2010 National Watermelon Queen.

Prefer the fruit that creates amazing cobbler, you’re in luck.  Check out this site to learn all about the Peach and why August is peach month.  The Georgian state fruit is harvested from the beginning of may through the end of August-good thing they’re still in season!

-Jon Huser