Make DC Part of Your Lincoln Holiday

Make DC Part of Your Lincoln Holiday

Moving to Washington DC may be something you are interested in.  If so then Lincoln’s birthday is the perfect time to visit the city and find the perfect location to move. Former president Lincoln was born on February 12th 1809 and though it is tradition to celebrate his birthday as part of President’s Day on February 20th, you could get a jumpstart this year and combine his birthday with your Valentine’s Day holiday.

DC is full of amazing culture, history and sites.  Lincoln’s Memorial, the Smithsonian Institute, Washington Monument, and numerous old hotels are available.

With the upcoming elections it may be fun to see what the White House is like and be in the middle of the political debates that will help decide our country’s future.  If you have a desire to stay in a historic hotel that has recently been renovated, consider the Whitelaw Hotel where Duke Ellington played.  This beautiful hotel has received state of the art hotel rooms with an outwardly historic appearance.  The Whitelaw Hotel was built in 1839.  In 1919 it was opened as a luxury hotel for African Americans.

By staying in this convenient hotel it will be easy for you to explore the city and find an apartment, condo or home to move to.  Living in DC will require a few changes if you are not used to the city, but there are definitely advantages to living in DC.  Take this upcoming holiday to find a moving company to help you with the move.

Lance Grooms