Make sure your lease has a military clause

Make sure your lease has a military clause

The one constant in the military often seems to be moving.  For those military personnel and their families who prefer to live off base, it is crucial that you have read your lease thoroughly.  The military is well known for its unexpected orders; if you have a normal lease, there is no obligation on the part of your landlord to allow you to break your lease and move out just because you have been given new orders.

The solution to this problem is to make certain that you have a military clause in your lease agreement before you enter into it.   This clause is different between states but usually allows you to break a lease under specific conditions if you or your partner are a member of the military.

There are a number of standard clauses in such an agreement that will enable you to break your lease with no penalty should one of the following take place: you receive a temporary duty assignment outside the area for more than 60 days; you leave the military; you become missing in action or are killed; or you receive orders giving you a permanent move to a new location.

A number of landlords or apartments may also allow the addition of a clause permitting the breaking of a lease should you be offered the chance to move into military housing, although this is not common.  Make certain that every member of the family is covered by the military clause.

Lance Grooms