Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Memorial Day takes place every year in the United States on the final Monday in the month of May.  The official celebration of Memorial Day is intended to serve as a dedication to the service men and women who gave up their lives for their country and for freedom.  Memorial Day is also the day on which we can remember loved ones.

The tradition of Memorial Day goes all the way back to the end of the Civil War in 1865.  Memorial Day was traditionally held on 30th May; however, 42 years ago back in 1971, it was changed to the last Monday of the month by Congress in order to allow for a three-day weekend.

Regardless of the date on which Memorial Day falls, it is a time when we are encouraged to visit a cemetery and/or attend a parade in order to pay tribute to and honor our servicemen.  It is also a day when we can take the time to remember the people that we have loved and lost in whatever manner we feel is most appropriate to their memory.

Memorial Day was originally referred to as Decoration Day.  It was not until 1882 that the name was changed to Memorial Day.  Memorial Day is also seen as the beginning of the summer and gardening seasons, despite the fact that the former does not really start for another few weeks.  This time is generally marked with the year’s first family picnic.
