Military relocation of army unit

Military relocation of army unit

According to experts, the Afghanistan war may be at its endgame.  The Army storied First Infantry is preparing to head to the eastern provinces to take command there.  This military move is a strategy that asks for a renewed push for US and allied forces to all but leave the Middle East.  The hope is for the military to move to a less violent area of the country and just keep a small presence so that uprisings will think twice about starting anything.

It has taken many months for Fort Riley trainees to be ready to take command of the eastern provinces in order to help stop the last of the uprising issues.  The division will most likely relocate in April towards the mountains, where there are 14 provinces and 450 miles of Afghanistan and Pakistan border.  Insurgents have attacked this area, but it is on a decline right now.

The US and NATO allies are stating their intent on making certain the uprising is stopped.  The eastern areas are still filled with a lot of fighting, but if things are stopped before they get worse it may solve the issues for the long term.  It is a positive outlook, though fighting probably will not stop this year.  There are still quite a few unhappy factions in the Middle East, and in Afghanistan, after the incident last month with one US solider.  Still, there is hope that the military may be able to move on towards peace.

Rick Woziak