Moving advice

Moving advice

With the housing market conditions being what they are, moving can often end up being even more stressful than was the case in previous years.  The good news is that it does not have to be this way, and much stress can be avoided by planning early, thinking ahead, and following a few tips.

One good tip is to never move house on a Friday.  While it may appear to be a good idea, since the weekend will seemingly give you plenty of time to get settled into your new home, the reality is that moving on a Friday is actually the worst thing you can do.  Many moving companies actually charge extra for a Friday move and, even more importantly, if you are unlucky enough to suffer delays in monetary transactions or other problems then you will end up having to wait until the Monday before the problems can be solved and incur all kinds of charges in the meantime.

Make sure that you choose your moving company wisely.  It is a bad idea to make a decision based entirely on price, given that this company will be handling all of your prized possessions.  Pick a moving company that suits your requirements and circumstances, and don’t forget to ask for references.

Be sure to get a minimum of three quotes for the move, and ensure that the moving company pays a visit to your home in order to see precisely what will need to be moved rather than simply relying on telephone calls or emails.
