Moving tips for the newly married

Moving tips for the newly married

The traditions of a wedding can vary from decade to decade, thanks to such things as music, cultural change and fashion, but one issue faced by today’s newlyweds that probably did not face their parents 20 or so years ago is what to do with two lots of furniture.

Many newlyweds today will already have accumulated a lot of the necessities of life before they move in together; most people have already lived on their own for some years before they get married, with the median age of people getting married now being higher than ever before.  Many people become attached to items, but couples need to jointly establish reasonable limits prior to relocation.

It is not a good idea to attach sentimental value to absolutely everything that you own.  The number one rule for couples in this scenario is to keep an open mind and try to find a happy medium as you go about combining homes.

There are some other tips that can be followed for couples entering their first nesting experience.  Before you move in together, lay out your combined inventory and try to visualize what would go where in your new home.  If you have any duplicates, you could sell them in order to provide funds for any items that neither party has yet.  When this is done, everything can be organized in boxes clearly marked for each individual room in your new place together.

Jon Huser