So, your manager has told you that you’ll be going through an office move in the near future and your heart just dropped! You’ve become comfortable in your little cubicle and may be dreading the disjointed feeling that often comes with a commercial move. But, worry no more. We’ve put together an outline of how you can move your cubicle and still get back to work right away.
Check out the New Space
Before moving the office, go take a look at where you will be working, if possible. Knowing what to expect will make the office move go a lot easier and will help alleviate any stress you may be feeling. Seeing the layout of the office and how large the space is can also give you an idea of how much you can pack and take with you.
Use Plastic Bins
A few professional office moving companies are offering reusable plastic crates. They will deliver them prior to your office move and come get them after you’ve had time to unpack. However, If your company is like many others, the packing for the staff’s belongings may not even cross their minds. You may end up just getting a few boxes from the shipping room or an old bin. Instead of scrambling for packing implements at the last minute, invest in some collapsible plastic crates for the move. They come in handy for office moves and chores around the house.
Packing Your Computer
If your company is small, you may not have an IT department handling the packing and transport of your computer equipment. If that is the case, make sure you turn off all machinery and carefully wrap all wires and cords with twist-ties or rubber bands. Keep all components together for easy reassembly in the new cubicle.
– Jon Huser