Tatting your way to a new home

Tatting your way to a new home

International Tatting Day is always on April 1st, but it is a holiday that tends to be overshadowed by the larger April Fool’s Day.  Tatting as a hobby can lead to your new decorations for your new home.  For those who are unaware, tatting is all about knitting such things as doilies, collars, and other decorative pieces.   Creating lace decorations can certainly add new decorations to a new home.  Now all you have to do is move to your new home.   Spend the day working on your lace edging or creating a new comforter made of lace while you are driven to your new home.

Relocating often requires that you sell a few things because they are old.  You also tend to throw out other items, such as tablecloths, handkerchiefs and napkins, as they get old.  If you have had to get rid of some of these items for your new relocation, consider making new ones on the way or as you get ready for the move.  It may take a bit of time to use your skills, but at least you will have decorations made with your own hands.  This year when you celebrate International Tatting Day, make certain that you have also made your decorations for your new home.  Even if you are not moving, you can always add in new decorations to your home or sell them so that you can afford that move you have always wanted to make, but have yet to do.

Lance Grooms