Tim Tebow relocation

Tim Tebow relocation

Football season certainly had a lot of issues this year with regards to the Broncos and their change in quarterback.  Now that the Super Bowl is over there are still some talks going on that are of interest.  Tim Tebow has undergone relocation due to being traded to yet another team. He did not last long in Denver and has moved to New York for the time being.  There is a question of whether he will be able to stay on point in his country ways with such a city before him.

New York is most definitely a different culture, so will his move be the right one?  New York offers nightclubs, restaurant and bars, and is a city that never sleeps.  The relocation may be good for his career though if he can ignore the nighttime fun.  There are plenty of marketing opportunities for him in New York.  As soon as the player arrived in New Jersey there were already a large number of fans and marketing companies to welcome him.

T-shirts engraved with his name were sold out at many locations the minute he arrived.  Tebow, being such a hot topic, has many marketing companies pursuing him.  There is definitely profit in it.  Time will have to show if there will be any great benefits from the move to New York and whether Denver, CO will regret trading the young man just as his career in the mainstream gets going.

Jon Huser