Retiring in your later life usually means downsizing to a home you can afford and move around in. If there are health problems you might downsize to a care facility. For those who are still mobile enough to live alone or with a spouse, downsizing may still hold the key to living more comfortably.
Affording a maid to clean a two- or three-bedroom home might not be in the cards for you, as this would mean downsizing to one bedroom, a living room and a bathroom large enough for your later years. Tampa, Florida is one place many retirees move. There are plenty of homes set up for retirees who are downsizing but do not need a care facility quite yet. There are also care facilities for the later years when you might need them.
Relocation to a new place will require you to analyze what you would like to take versus what you need to take. Obviously items in your kitchen, such as a blender, mixer, toaster and dishes, need to travel with you. If you have old items they could be thrown out for the purchase of newer items. You definitely want to downsize before your relocation so that you move fewer boxes. You may have some furniture that needs to be put in put into storage. Antiques or items you want to pass down to your family members should be put in storage if your new home will not have the space. Your other option is to gift them before your demise so that you do not have to worry about paying for storage.
Lance Grooms