When moving day arrives, it often does not matter how long you have been anticipating or preparing for the event. There will inevitably turn out to be a few unexpected complications and developments that you have to deal with. The best method of making certain that you will be able to handle whatever comes your way is to give yourself enough time to carry off the move, including additional time to deal with anything unforeseen.
When you are managing the members of your family, movers, and any other helpers whose assistance you have managed to enlist, there are a number of things happening at once. One way of cutting down on the chaos is to have pets and children kept out of the way by being taken care of by friends or family. Being organized is another way to avoid moving day madness. Be sure that you have done a thorough clearing out of any belongings you no longer want to keep, and that everything you have packed is in labeled boxes. Having supplies such as packing tape, bins, bubble wrap, markers, boxes, blankets, dollies and labels on hand is also very helpful.
If you are making a move into a high-rise building, you should make sure that you have reserved an elevator. Wherever you move to, it is a good idea to make certain that the moving truck will have a place that it can park and unload.