Finding a new place to move to can be easy.
Recently it was discovered that Portland, Oregon is on the top five best places to live in the world. Portland, Oregon is certainly a large city with many suburbs, and it has a lot going for it. If you love the Pacific Northwest, rainy days and plenty of greenery and historic charm, Portland can be the right city to relocate to. Portland has one of the largest populations with various cultures from Asian to European. It is also a liberal city with a bohemian flair and top performance arts.
If moving long distance is your idea of a good move then consider St. Pauli, Hamburg. It is also on the top five list of great places to live. Hamburg has been a destination for many as it is Germany’s second largest city. The architecture alone makes it worth it.
Maui, Hawaii is certainly a great pick if anyone is looking for a tropical location in the USA. Maui has plenty to offer, such as the Pacific Ocean, warm weather, historic places, island life, and marine mammals. Cihangir, Istanbul is also on the list for that old world feel you might want to find. Santa Cruz, Tenerife is a wonderful tropical location with 1890s and 1930s architecture.
If none of these places sound right, consider Macau. Macau is on the rise as a place to live, work and play; it has a tropical atmosphere.
Jon Huser