Tulisa plans to move to Miami

Tulisa is planning a fresh start for herself by making a move to Miami.  The “Young” singer has been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons as of late, having been arrested and then released on bail pending further enquiries over suspicions that she arranged a deal for a friend to supply cocaine.  Tulisa is apparently intending to leave the United Kingdom and relocate to the United States. “Tulisa says as soon as all this drama is over, she wants to move to Miami to start a new life,” Closer magazine was told by a source.  “She loves it there and has friends there who say they will help her out.” The source says that given that the singer’s career now appears to be hanging in the balance, she may move from the mansion that it is now the source of some bitter memories for her. 

Tulisa is currently not allowed to leave the country while on bail but is apparently confident that she will be able to concentrate on her music again once her relocation to the United States has been completed. “She said she feels trapped and suffocated in England,” the source continues.  “She wants a new life in the US, where she hopes to establish herself as a solo artist.”  Tulisa is also apparently taking steps to cut off many of the people currently in her life and surround herself only with family members and her most trusted friends.
