Relocation Information for Military Families

Relocation Information for Military Families

Families in the military often have to move to different duty locations in order to complete service, with such relocation normally being to a military base.  The military member who is in active duty may have to live on one base for anything from a couple of months to several years before having to move again.  This constant uprooting can be difficult for military families, but there are ways to make it easier.

There is help available in a number of different places for families about to undergo a military move.  The great majority of military branches offer resources to help families to get settled on their new base and to set up childcare, as well as offering help with things such as expense tracking and reimbursement.

It is a good idea to ask other military families on your base about the best local babysitter, child care centers or nannies to assist you with your children before, during and after relocation.  The average family is likely to move about every six years, but families in the military will relocate at around twice this rate.  The process can be difficult, but parents can help to lessen the strain on themselves and on their children.

Empathizing with your kids can really help.  Keep their perspective in mind in the midst of the relocation process and encourage them to assist with the move if they are old enough.  It is also vital to help them to maintain their ties with their current home.