The Perfect Printable Moving Timeline

The Perfect Printable Moving Timeline

It is no secret that there are many things to do when moving. Thinking about everything all at once is beyond stressful. The best way to approach your move is methodically addressing each task, one at a time. BMS Moving & Storage Moving Solutions has mastered the art of moving, and as such, we have created an easy to use moving timeline to keep you on track. Simply follow these steps and come moving day you will be prepared and ready. It really is that easy!

6 Weeks Before Your Move

  • Go through your home to clean and organize.
  • Donate or sell items that you no longer use or no longer need.
  • Thoroughly research moving companies in your area and obtain moving quotes.
  • Start collecting and purchasing packing supplies that you will need for your move.
  • Gather important documents that you will need to keep handy during the move.
  • Choose a way to inventory your belongings prior to packing.

5 Weeks Before Your Move

  • Decide on a moving company and schedule your move.
  • Get copies of you and your family’s medical records.
  • Obtain copies of vet records for pets.
  • Ask for referrals for new doctors, dentists, or other professionals in the city you are moving to.
  • Notify your child’s schools of your moving date and gather necessary school documents.

4 Weeks Before Your Move

  • Begin packing items that you do not use on a day-to-day basis.
  • You should have all packing supplies for your move.
  • Schedule your utilities to be shut off or transferred to a new location.
  • Request a change of address with the USPS.
  • Change your address with your credit cards, banks, and other important accounts.

3 Weeks Before Your Move

  • If you are driving to your new location, have your car inspected prior to your move.
  • Begin using all your perishable food items in your fridge.
  • Determine transportation methods for your family and pets.
  • Ensure you have homeowners or renters insurance for your new location.

2 Weeks Before Your Move

  • Pack each room at a time starting with items you don’t use on a regular basis.
  • Properly label each box after packing.
  • Create a moving emergency kit with items you will need during the moving transition.
  • Purchase snacks and bottled water as easy refreshment during relocation.
  • Call your moving company to confirm your moving date, address, and services to be performed.

1 Week Before Your Move

  • Finish packing all the items in your home.
  • Keep cleaning items out to clean up after your move or schedule cleaning services.

Moving Day

  • Keep important documents and your moving emergency kit separate from your boxes.
  • Instruct movers where your boxes and furniture are located.
  • After everything is out, take pictures of your home to document any wear, tear, or damage.
  • Perform one final walk through to determine nothing was left behind.

If you need assistance with your move, call the experts at BMS Moving & Storage. We are happy to help you with your move, no matter where in the process you are. Call (877) 594-1187 today.