A Few More Tips for Moving with Pets

A Few More Tips for Moving with Pets

dogAs stressful as you may find moving house, imagine how stressful it can be for your pets. Your furry friends are being taken from the home they are used to and are expected to settle into a new place, and this is on top of the journey itself. Here are a few tips for dealing with moving day.

Make sure that your pet has a new collar tag with the new contact details. This should be worn on the day of the house move so that if by any chance the pet does go missing then there is a good chance of him or her being returned to the right place. Now is also a good time to update microchips and find a new veterinarian in the new neighborhood.

A visit to the veterinarian might be in order to make sure that you can avoid travel sickness for your pet. It may be that some medication is needed to help the pet through the journey, which can be particularly important if you are traveling a long distance.

It is often recommended that pets are left in the care of friends or family while the actual move is carried out. Seeing moving company personnel coming in and out of the house can be disturbing for a pet and removing them from the stressful situation can often be the best option. It can also be a good idea to arrange for your pet to spend a couple of days away from the home while you sort out the unpacking so that they are not moving into a chaotic situation.