Advice for teenagers on the move

Advice for teenagers on the move

This coming fall, many teenagers are going to be moving from the parental home for the very first time.  Many will be students who are making a move to university or even military bases, while others will be entering the workforce and renting their own apartments.  Not everyone will be leaving of course; any teenagers who get a job or go to colleges close to their home may well decide to stay where they are.

Although a lot of teenagers think that the day that they finally move out of their parents’ home will be the greatest day of their lives, such a big step comes with disadvantages as well as advantages.  The fact is that it might be too soon for some teenagers to move out and it is especially the case that if they do so without having a solid plan, they are highly likely to end up having to go back home again eventually.  The best advice for teenagers is for them to save their money.  If they have just started working or found an apartment then they are going to have to manage all the various bills they will be receiving, which can be quite tricky for people who have never had to deal with them before.

The great attraction of moving out for teenagers is, of course, that they will no longer have to put up with being told what to do all the time by their parents and thus they make a headfirst jump into the adult world.  The problem is that many fail to realize that this will mean that their money ends up being spread pretty thin and that they need to consider whether they are willing to not be able to go to the movies, to basketball games and so on.

Teenagers who move out on their own for the first time will soon discover that a pay check of $300 or $400 is not going to get them very far when they have bills to pay.  They need to make certain that they have enough money to be able to look after themselves, as well as learn how to handle expenses and manage a budget.  Teenagers would find it a smart move to start writing down all of their expenses – even the small ones – as this can be a good method of working out if they are spending money wisely or just wasting it.

Teens can also think of other ways in which to cut back spending on things that they do not really need and create a wish list of items that they would like to have but are unable to afford at the present time.  These items can then be saved for, but if they are living on their own the reality remains that paying the bills has to come first.  It may be the case that teenagers will also have to think of other things to do instead of more costly pastimes, such as watching a film at home rather than going to the cinema.
