Advice for teenagers who are moving

Moving can be a difficult experience at any age, and it can be a particularly traumatic experience for teenagers who are being forced to move from their childhood home.  Teenagers already have to cope with physical and emotional changes, and their friends and social activities are the focal points of their lives.  This makes picking up and having to start all over again very daunting indeed.

The good news is that teenagers can cope with the relocation experience by leaning on their family for support and by getting involved in the moving process.  Teenagers should talk about their feelings in relation to the move with an adult, including the reasons behind the move and if they are unhappy or scared about the impending change.  Teenagers also need to know that is it okay to be sad and to mourn the loss of their childhood home.

Another good tip is to do research about their new home prior to the move.  Discover what the new location has to offer that relates to their interests, such as sports complexes, shopping malls and movie theaters.  It is also smart to find out information about their new school, including any extracurricular activities that may be on offer there.

Contact information should be exchanged with the friends and family members that are being left behind.  It is much easier to stay in touch on a daily basis thanks to modern technology, with things such as social media, video chat and email ensuring that people do not lose touch entirely.
