Advice on office relocation

Moving from one office location to another is one of the most complex procedures that can be undertaken by any business, and managers need to review every aspect of the preparation in order to make sure that they have successfully eliminated any and all problems that can come about during relocation.

One of the biggest issues that can be faced by managers is attempting to organize an office move on very short notice.  Mistakes are far less likely to take place during the move if they have sufficient time to prepare for it.  Another problem is employees who have not been sufficiently informed and updated with regard to the relocation.  The result can be employees who are forced to rush to complete tasks and then end up forgetting to pack some files or items.  When they get to the new office they may be even more confused as to where supplies and equipment are supposed to go, and even where their own new duty stations are located.

Another problem that can arise if an office move takes place without proper planning is utilities not being transferred quickly enough for the business to be able to immediately begin operating at its new location.  All business activity can be brought to a standstill until the utilities have been transferred and activated.

In order for a business to continue to succeed after an office move, its service providers, vendors and customers need to be aware of the new location and should be informed via media announcement, phone or mail.
