Big Earthquake Rocks Mexican Coast

Big Earthquake Rocks Mexican Coast

Over the weekend, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake shook the southern state of Chiapas in Mexico.  The quake was felt as far away as El Salvador but there were no reports of any injuries or severe damage in any area.  This comes as welcome news since we often hear of such tragedy when an earthquake hits.

No one was forced to relocate from their home and there were no lives lost as a result of the quake, which hit at about 1:47 PM EST in Chiapas.  Chiapas is the state capital of Tuxtla Gutierrez.  The shaking stretched through various cities as well as Guatemala and El Salvador.

Though frightening, the quake didn’t cause too much damage beyond some shattered windows.  However, it didn’t stop fearful residents from running out to the street to avoid getting stuck in a crumbling building.

Earthquakes can be quite dangerous.  Think back to last year’s quake, which resulted in a massive tsunami in Japan where thousands of lives were lost and those who were lucky enough to survive had to move from lifelong homes, which were washed away into the sea.

Mexico’s earthquake this weekend won’t have anyone moving from their homes, but it does make you think.  What if there was an earthquake where you live?  Is your home structurally sound?  Do you know how to respond to an earthquake?  Does your homeowner’s insurance cover damage caused by earthquakes?

Perhaps you aren’t living in an area prone to earthquakes.  But are you sure?  Do a little research and you might be surprised at what you find regarding fault lines and likelihood of earthquakes throughout the country.