Canada Day a top celebration to view from Washington

Canada Day a top celebration to view from Washington

Washington State has many things going for it if you wish to move to the Pacific Northwest.  First you have the temperate rainforest, which makes things beautifully green.  Secondly, you have Seattle and Bellevue, which are two important cities for IT, Microsoft offices, and medical advancements.  Washington is also home to airline headquarters and a couple of factories.  With mountains and the ocean nearby, you could certainly choose a great place if you decide to make a long distance move to Washington.

Another benefit of a long distance move to Washington, especially up close to Bellingham or Blaine, would be Canada. Vancouver is a short drive from either town, though closer to Blaine.  You also have such holidays as Canada Day, which is a celebration held each year to honor the fact that they are Canadians.  Festivals include music, food, and just a lot of fun when it comes to Canada Day, which is celebrated on July 1st.  If this is not a selling point for Washington, consider the Vancouver Canucks, which is the NHL hockey team.  They often play the Western US division, but living in Washington you could see a game in their hometown.

Whether it is Canada day, the closeness of a beautiful city like Vancouver BC, or just the beauty of Washington, there are plenty of reasons to move to Washington from somewhere like San Diego, California.  San Diego is nice but a lot hotter and so if you have to move or want to, think about the northwest.

Lance Grooms