Celebrate the Thanksgiving tradition

Celebrate the Thanksgiving tradition

Tucked between the giant-sized holidays known as Halloween and Christmas is the celebration of Thanksgiving, which receives a lot less attention.  Thanksgiving is, however, still a very important holiday, particularly in the busy lives of the average American citizen.

Thanksgiving is a time for people to kick back and relax for once, go to a movie, watch a football game, and eat far too much.  It is also a time when Americans thank God for all the things he has given to both them and the nation in general.  Many Americans believe that no country in the entire world has as much reason to be thankful than the United States.

The very first Thanksgiving was celebrated back in 1621 between the Pilgrims and the Indians, and lasted for three whole days.  The early settlers had a very difficult life, and the fall harvest was a time to celebrate as well as a time to pray and thank God for a good crop.  The huge feast created by the Pilgrims and the Indians included a large array of animals and fowl, plus fruits and vegetables available thanks to the fall harvest.  This celebration all those years ago started off the tradition that remains to this day.

In the 21st century most people celebrate Thanksgiving with a turkey and ‘all the trimmings’, which include a large variety of different foods that are traditional within your own family and are a replication of the foods served at that first Thanksgiving celebration.
