Checklist for office moving

Checklist for office moving

When you are moving your business, it is extremely important to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as it possibly can.  Here is a list of the most crucial things that you need to keep in mind as you move your office.

Staff should be informed of the impending office relocation as soon as you have any information about it.  It might be a good idea to consult with a legal adviser with regard to the notification of staff members to make certain that you are in compliance with all of the regulations and laws that concern the moving of an office.

Around three months before you move your office, you should start getting quotes from moving companies as to the cost of the relocation, create a seating plan for staff members, and draw up a plan for risk assessment and safety.  It is also a good idea at this point to speak to your current and new landlords and neighbors regarding the issue of access.  You should also make a decision at this time as to whether you would like the manager from your moving company to manage the whole project for you or if you would prefer them to work in conjunction with one of your team’s project managers.

Around two months before you move, your office you should nominate internal move representatives and arrange archive storage for any files you feel you no longer need to stay in the office.

Gene Salaz