Chile suffers earthquake this week

Chile suffers earthquake this week

Chile suffered from an earthquake on Sunday.  This is the second earthquake to ravage a country in the last two weeks.  Last week Mexico suffered from a large earthquake that totaled more than 1,300 houses.  News is stating there were no severe injuries or deaths, and no major damage; however, as the dust settles, there may be a need for humanitarian efforts.  You might consider temporary relocation to Chile, or just head to Mexico to help out the families that have lost their homes due to last week’s disaster.

The earthquake was a 7.2.  This is almost the size of the Mexico earthquake.  With this many earthquakes happening in South America and Mexico, it also makes individuals think about a move away from some of the large US fault lines.  California is a gorgeous place to live, but you might want to make certain that you home is protected and ready for an earthquake, or move on.

It is not likely that the US will suffer as Mexico or Chile, but two earthquakes in two western hemisphere locations does make you think, even though one occurred in the southern hemisphere and the other in the northern.  The point is that helping those in need could be important for relocation, and you should also ensure that you are safe and can move at a moment’s notice should an earthquake suddenly hit a little closer to your US home.  Natural disasters are something that you should always be ready for.

Jon Huser