Cleaning tips for your house move

Cleaning tips for your house move

If you are renting your home or are a house-proud person, you will want to clean your old home thoroughly when you move out. If you stay organized, much of the cleaning can be done as you go along. It is a good idea to plan your cleaning schedule in advance so that everything can be completed quickly and easily.

While you are packing, put aside some of your cleaning supplies so that you have them to hand when your house is being emptied by the moving company. Basic cleaning equipment will include products and rags and you should also make sure that your vacuum cleaner is one of the last things to be moved, as you are going to need it!

Where possible you should do your cleaning in advance. Things such as the windows and ovens, as well the inside of the kitchen cupboards, can be done long before your movers arrive to empty the house. In this way, when the movers are actually there, you can simply vacuum and quickly dust each room as they empty it.

Take some time in advance for removing dirty marks from walls. Even the most house-proud person will find that there are dirty fingermarks on the wall if they have children. Much of this can be done in advance; however, there are always going to be new marks that appear while the move is being conducted and you should therefore keep an eye on the paintwork and light-colored walls and remove marks as they appear.
