Cost-conscious moving tips

Cost-conscious moving tips

Moving can be a pretty expensive business; however, it is possible to cut down on both stress and cost if you follow a few simple tips.  Between 45-60 days before the move you should begin calling moving companies if you want to retain professional assistance.  It is a good idea to get an in-home estimate, as this tends to be a lot more accurate.

You also need to order supplies for your move online, such as packing tape and boxes, as this will help you to save both money and gasoline.  You can, of course, also try to track down some unused boxes on your own, calling colleagues and friends to ask at grocery stores and a number of other businesses can be a good beginning for a free option.  You may also purchase the necessary supplies at the professional moving company branch location or even online and have them shipped to you.  You also need to do some measuring of the new home you will be making a move to.  There is no point paying to bring a large item of furniture if there is no way that it will fit into your new space.

Around a month before the relocation you should confirm your moving company and get a date, time and cost estimate in writing.  This is also the time to begin donating or selling some excess items, if this is what you intend to do.  You should also start packing now.  While some may think this is a little early, it is the best time if you want to save money and make things go as quickly as possible where your moving company is concerned.  Boxes that contain major items should be labeled with both the contents and the room that they need to be placed in when they reach their destination following the move.

About two weeks before the move you should fill out an online form to change your address and notify your banks, insurance, utility and credit companies about your upcoming relocation.  It should be noted that cable and internet providers often charge a fee in order to transfer service locations; however, it is worth calling them to try to negotiate – persuasion, persistence and an assertion that you may change providers can get these fees removed on some occasions.  You should reconfirm your booking with your moving company at this point and ensure that the company’s paperwork is a match with your own; you should also make certain that there will be no unexpected fees on the day.

A week before moving day you should be almost entirely packed and should certainly not put it off a moment longer if you are not.  A couple of days prior to the move you should think about defrosting your freezer if you intend to take it with you, as well as disconnecting your washing machine and dryer.  These are tasks that can otherwise take some time for your movers to accomplish, so it is better if it they are already done by the time the movers arrive.
