Do Home-Sale Incentives Really Work?

Do Home-Sale Incentives Really Work?

Have you seen those home listings where the sellers throw a boat or car in with the house purchase? Do you think those tactics really help move a house off the market?

The answer isn’t so crystal clear, actually. Sure, those home-sale incentives can be pretty appealing and can definitely grab any buyer’s attention, but the price of the home still matters the most. So, maybe a combination of some really cool home-sale incentives and the right price will help you sell your house a little faster.

As someone who knows about today’s housing market, you already know that we’ve got a long way to go. Some people want to sell their houses quickly – perhaps they are moving for a job or school. Others don’t really need to move their houses off the market so fast. It is those folks that really want to sell that sometimes offer some of the most interesting perks with the sale of their home.

A BMW. A jet ski. A puppy. These are all things that eager home sellers have thrown in with the price of their home. While these can be attractive offers, realtors say that these enticements really only create a buzz and not much else. Today’s homebuyer is more about the price, not the gimmick.

However, if no one is even looking at your house, one of these so-called gimmicks might be just what the doctor ordered. Remember, we’re in a world where money talks but you’ve got to have something to back it up with. Offer an exciting bonus and watch the prospective homebuyers flood in. They may not buy, but at least they’ll know you’re house is available.

Crazy Incentives

So, what are some of these over-the-top incentives people are throwing in with their house? The most frequent isn’t really so crazy – it’s all the furniture inside. Many sellers choose to sell their homes furnished. This can cause confusion, though. If your house is priced to include all your stuff, what if the buyers don’t want it? Do they get a credit? Probably not – and that’s the double-edged sword we alluded to before. Other sellers have thrown in season tickets to a favorite football or baseball team, while others have footed the bill for interior design.

What Incentives Really Work?

If you haven’t figured it out by now, the secret to selling your home and moving on to the next is offering the property at the right price and having it perfectly staged.  However, sometimes incentivizing really does work. Which incentives do the trick? We’ve got one word for you – money.

Money talks. If you want to move out of your house and into your new home, cash is usually the most effective home-sale incentive. If you want to get prospective buyers to come through the door and give your house a second look, consider an offer to pay condo or association fees for the first year. A bonus for the realtor can also work wonders.

Lance Grooms