Empty Nesters and Downsizing

Empty Nesters and Downsizing

You will probably have mixed emotions about your adult children leaving home to go to college or relocating to a new city to start a new job.  On the one hand, you will be excited at the prospect of having fewer commitments and more time for yourself, but on the other hand, you will probably be grieving for the time spent raising your kids.  You may even feel ‘redundant’.

The large home you once shared with your children now looks empty without them and there are rooms that are going to waste.  You have probably stayed in the area because of schooling and work commitments.  If you are retired or can easily transfer your skills to another location, you might want to consider relocating to another neighborhood or even a long distance residential move, maybe somewhere on the coast if you live inland.  You could move to a smaller property, such as a bungalow or condominium.

If you are downsizing your property you may want to consider what to do with your children’s belongings.  Before the children leave home, decide together what stays and what goes.  You can put wanted items into local residential storage for a period of time until the children are settled and have a home of their own.

Choosing a location wisely, that will suit you in terms of functionality, price and comfort but large enough to accommodate your children during vacations, will be a great transition to a new life for both you and your family.

Lance Grooms