Getting items ready for storage

Getting items ready for storage

If you intend to place some of your possessions into a storage facility for any length of time, you need to take certain steps to ensure that these items will be protected and thus come out of storage in the same condition that they went in.  To this end there are a few tricks you can use to keep your items in good condition.

When it comes to blankets, clothing and draperies, these should be cleaned before being packed in wardrobe boxes, preferably still on their hangers.  For books, it is a very good idea to pack them flat rather than standing them on end, as this can damage their spines.  Books are often very heavy; therefore, too many should not be packed inside the same box and it might even be a good idea to put them in boxes with other lighter items.

Lawn mowers should be drained of gasoline and oil before being placed in storage.  If you have pictures or artwork, these should be wrapped in packing paper or bubble wrap prior to being stored in boxes alongside linens or items of clothing.

The legs need to be removed from furniture such as tables and chairs; if possible, these items should be disassembled in order to conserve space in the storage facility.  In order to protect them effectively from scratches, soil, or other contaminants they should be wrapped in furniture pads, and the legs should be taped together while in storage.
