Helpful moving tips

Helpful moving tips

Moving can be a stressful experience, but there are ways to make things easier on yourself and on everyone else involved.  Here are a number of helpful moving tips to assist you in this endeavor.

One good tip is to make sure that you are available on the day of the move and on any other loading days, if required, as your movers are almost certain to have some questions and it is important that you are there to answer these questions.  You should accompany the driver as the inventory is prepared and make sure that the items and the condition of the items that are listed is accurate.  Read and fill out the Bill of Lading and treat this as the important legal document it is, making sure that you have a copy of both the bill and the inventory before the moving truck driver sets off.

Prior to the moving truck driver leaving you should perform one last walk through your former home and double-check all storage areas and closets to make absolutely certain that nothing has been missed.  The driver should be given your contact information in the event that there is the need to get in touch with you at some point during the relocation.  You should also take down the driver’s contact information, including his truck number and agency, to make it easier to reach him should your plans change or you have any questions you need to ask.

The driver needs to have the correct address of your new home or the storage facility that your items are to be taken to, and you should provide your movers with adequate restroom facilities and refreshments while they are in your home.  Items you intend to personally take with you on the move, such as documents and clothes, should be placed either in one particular room that has already been packed by the moving company or in the car in which you will be traveling to your new home.  This prevents these items from being accidentally taken in the moving truck and becoming harder to locate later on.

Any valuables such as cash, jewelry, important documents, coins or photographs should either be sent on ahead using a trackable service such as FedEx or UPS or simply taken with you.  It is also a good idea to make sure that you get a good night’s sleep prior to the day of the move and have a good breakfast before the hectic day commences.

Be aware that things do go wrong sometimes no matter how prepared you think you are.  This is an almost inevitable part of the relocation process and such mistakes are rarely truly catastrophic; therefore, try to relax and take it all in your stride.  One final tip is to make sure that you have moving funds available in either money order, certified check or cash so that you can pay the moving company for its work.
