Helping Your Pet to Cope with a Move

Helping Your Pet to Cope with a Move

Many people have been forced by today’s unpredictable job market to uproot their lives and the lives of their families by making a move to another city. Every member of your family will be affected by such a radical event, including your family pet.

A big move can be difficult for everyone involved; however, this is particularly the case for pets who do not understand what is happening and they can become very nervous at seeing everything in their home being packed up and taken away. Owners of cats and/or dogs need to do what they can to ensure that their pets are able to get through the relocation process with as little stress as possible.

It is very important to buy a comfortable carrier for the move if you do not already have one.  The carrier should be comfortable for your pet and large enough for him or her to lie down, change position and even stand up.  The bottom of the carrier should be well ventilated and protected against leaks.  The door should be securely shut but not locked, as a locked door can make it harder to get your pet out of the carrier quickly in the event of an emergency.

If you are driving to your new home and it is a fairly long journey, it is important to make regular pit-stops so that your furry friend can have a drink, answer the call of nature and enjoy some fresh air along the way.