Hiring the right movers for your office relocation

Hiring the right movers for your office relocation

When you are making a commercial move you need to make sure that you hire the right moving company to complete the job. Trying to handle an office move on your own can be disastrous, mainly due to the equipment that will need to be moved. Can you get a photocopier down the stairs and out of the building? A professional moving company will be able to do this without turning a hair.

You have to make sure that your professional office moving company is exactly that. You need a firm that has extensive experience of commercial relocation, which means that hiring a small local outfit that does mainly residential moves could leave you out of pocket. Hiring the wrong moving company will result in more chance of damage and a poorly handled job that could cost you in both repair costs and time.

Ask your potential moving companies to give you details about their last few commercial relocations. You need to know that they do this regularly, that their clients were happy with their work, and that they can complete the work on budget. If it seems that they only handle office moves infrequently, you should ask yourself why this is the case. A reputable moving company will be happy to provide you with the information that you have asked for.

Talk to the companies about how they are going to handle the move and what specialist equipment they will need. Responses such as “I’ll find out and get back to you” will indicate that they do not really know what an office move entails. 
