Historical Homes that are recognized this Black History Month

Historical Homes that are recognized this Black History Month

Examining Historical Homes this Black History MonthFebruary is Black History Month and we would like to put a spotlight on some of the most significant historical homes in New York City once occupied by some of the most influential African Americans.  As you know, New York City is one of the most popular places to move.  Back during the Harlem Renaissance, the best and brightest moved to the area and birthed a cultural revolution that the world will never forget.

Langston Hughes may have been the most famous Harlem residents.  He relocated to the area and into a brownstone located at 20 East 127th Street.  His home is now a NYC landmark and the street was renamed “Langston Hughes Place.”

Another famous New Yorker was Louis Armstrong.  Known as one of the most famous jazz musicians in the world, he and his wife lived at 34-56 107th Street in Queens.  The house is now a National Historical Landmark as well as a museum.  Anyone who visits or moves to New York can visit their home for themselves!

Booker T. Washington was also a famous New Yorker.  Washington was one of the most influential authors and educators in America. When not working, Washington vacationed at his home in Fort Salonga, New York.  Though the house is still standing and community-based efforts are moving forward to preserve it, it is deteriorating quickly.

Jon Huser