How Much Money Will You Need After You Move?

How Much Money Will You Need After You Move?

Whenever you move, it is a good idea to make a moving budget. Many people do work on a moving budget but don’t really think about the amount of money they’ll need after they move. Here’s what to keep in mind:


You may need to pay a deposit when you start up a new utility service after you move. Often, there is a connection and administration fee as well. Try to look for multiple services in a single package, which can save you a little money. Estimate: up to $200.

Settling In

Sure, it takes money to move, but it also takes money to make your house a home. You might need to buy things like new curtains or blinds, doormats, and other similar items. Keep these in mind as you plan your moving budget.  Estimate: $150 and up.


A lot of times, people just don’t think of their grocery bill when they make a moving budget. However, the truth of the matter is that you will probably need to replace some of the staples and condiments that you might have thrown away before the move. Estimate: $50-$100, depending on what you need.

Household Items

Just like food, you might not consider household items as part of a moving budget, but they are! You might need soap, cleaning supplies, and other items like light bulbs. Estimate: $75 for this.

Car Expenses

If you’ve relocated to a new state, you’ll need to register your car and license. You may even need to get your car inspected. Each state will vary in price.

Lance Grooms